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Source:   LBank Academy Plate:   Metaverse Reading:   Intermediate Time:   2020-03-21
Entering 2022, the term Web3 has erected a market vane in the industry, and many members exclaim that the conceptual experiment that has been circulating is finally setting sail today.
The RSS, which had been forced into decline by the lack of social features in the market's general market, has changed its face, and RSS3, which reinvents the social features of Web2 in the spirit of Web3 decentralization, is also making waves in this giant Web3 wave. After the successful release of the RSS3DAO governance Token, RSS3 has once again become a hot topic of discussion in the Web3 community after many years.
RSS is an open-source subscription protocol built in the early Web 1.0 era, known as Really Simple Syndication, and is a simple open-source program for users to actively subscribe to content. Program can automatically and instantly aggregate the latest content for users without any platform review.
Based on the previous experience with RSS, RSS3 is no longer a specific application, but continues to grow as a Web 3.0 information dissemination architecture. RSS3, of course, does not stop there, as it aggregates information across the Internet, and as long as there is a centralized or decentralized application that supports RSS3, RSS3 can automatically aggregate information according to user preferences and publish it to the RSS3 feed. This setup is perfect for Web3, which emphasizes ownership.
In terms of the economic model, RSS3 has a total distribution of 1 billion pieces, and all of them are generated immediately upon creation, with no additional mining mechanism. Future growth in the protocol ecosystem and vault will come from a number of sources including value-added services, SocialFi activity and transaction taxation. In addition, 64% of RSS3 Token is owned by the community, and a large portion of this will be distributed as incentives to network participants.
What exactly is the value of RSS3?
Technically, RSS3 is the Web1 business model plus the empowerment of Web3, and is still in its early stages. In the RSS3 roadmap, the decentralized nodes running the test network are expected to be released in Q4 2022, allowing external participants to elect and pledge RSS3 as an operator, and planning a hackathon to establish an eco-fund. And in Q4 2023, the main network and decentralized nodes will be able to operate stably and all decisions will be made entirely by DAOs.
In terms of market demand, RSS3's current development direction is toward an ecosystem of various content and social application platforms to become a large information distribution network. RSS3 introduces a more social and extensive integration of multiple centralized / decentralized application information aggregation applications. The development team has excellent programming skills and ideals, has recently received funding from several top VCs and ecosystems, and the platform itself is a non-rent-seeking, highly compatible and modular plan. The platform itself is non-rent-seeking, highly compatible, and modular. Such a setup has attracted a wide variety of applications for RSS3 to develop, and the advertising needs, value-added services, and social economy activities in these applications not only support the self-sufficiency of the RSS3 network, but also bring greater value to the RSS3 token.
On the contrary, the previous RSS was eventually eliminated from the market due to its exclusivity, but now RSS3 can be said to be inclusive, improving and optimizing the previous deficiencies. In addition to the friendly strategic cooperation with Mask Network, users of the RSS3 protocol will be able to display their on-chain activities in Web2 social media by connecting their Web3 addresses in the future.
As is seen above, the RSS3 network has the potential to completely replace centralized information platforms in terms of underlying technology and development direction. Some industry participants speculate that in the future, the metaverse, e-commerce, and GameFi may all become part of the RSS3 ecosystem.