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Source:   LBank Academy Plate:   Blockchain Reading:   Intermediate Time:   2020-04-22
Solanium is a decentralized IDO platform on the Solana blockchain that focuses on introducing decentralized fundraising, time-weighted token staking, and governance voting to the Solana ecosystem. Solanium started to emerge along with many outstanding projects in the largest ever online hackathon held by Solana Foundation and gained wide attention from market investors since then.
About Solanium
Solanium is a decentralized platform on the Solana blockchain featuring decentralized fundraising, time-weighted staking, and governance voting in the Solana ecosystem. The platform is reckoned to be a one-stop solution for Solana.
With the integrated wallet, DEX, and transaction management, Solanium aims to provide a more user-friendly way for new users to onboard and interact with Solana’s unique ecosystem, by giving priority to both UI and UX.
According to the Solanium R&D team, a good UI, which is one of the core principles that is lacking or not prioritized in the present ecosystem, is one of the most important factors in onboarding new users to the Solana ecosystem. In this connection, Solanium was developed as a solution to bridge the gap between Solana developers and its users and help Solana gain wider adoption.
Most if not all launchpad projects and platforms are completely centralized, which inevitably leads to intertwined insider information and transactions. Solanium, on the other hand, is an open platform where everyone can create a pool and raise funds, fully decentralized.
Four Major Usecases
The Solanium platform has four major functions, namely Trading, Staking, Liquidity Pool, and Governance, with liquidity pool leading the pack.
The first major module of the Solanium platform is a custom GUI for the Serum DEX, where finalized pools can immediately create a Serum market and start trading on the permission-less DEX. There are a number of hosted front-ends available for trading on Serum, but they are all based on or forked from the Serum repository. While solanium will provide a custom Serum GUI built from scratch, which will support several key features such as a custom grid, transaction manager, rich data display fetched from the Serum API and partners and will be fully responsive and dynamic.
SLIM tokens are lockable for a selectable lock time, with a maximum lock time of 1 year. Users will receive an xSLIM balance. by locking SLIM tokens in the staking contract. Please do note that xSLIM tokens are not transferable.
The height of the xSLIM balance is based on the number of SLIM tokens locked, and the time left before the tokens unlock. The xSLIM balance is linearly decreasing since the time of lock. The SLIM tokens locked can not be withdrawn before the timelock has expired. However, it is possible to extend the timelock or increase the amount of staked SLIM tokens.
xSLIM token qualifies the user for fee distribution, voting rights and exclusive or early pool access.
Solanium liquidity pools are the core function of the platform. On Solanium Pools, any user with a Solana wallet can create a pool to distribute SPL tokens. Solanium provides an easy-to-use UI for users to set up their pool with just a few clicks. The UI also gives users the option to create SPL tokens if they have not yet deployed an SPL token.
Additionally, the Solanium team is still focused on front-end management and may filter and display certain pools, but anyone can create a pool on the Solana blockchain and create their own UI to interact with it.
Each liquidity pool has a fixed percentage of fees that go to xSLIM token holders and the Governance Treasury. The public liquidity pool will first be open to xSLIM holders, who will receive an allocation based on their holdings, before opening to the general public. Pool creators will be incentivized to prioritize xSLIM holders.
Example: Pool X raises 10000 USDC, selling 1000 DEMO tokens. 2% of 10000 USDC will be distributed to xSLIM holders and 2% of 1000 DEMO will be put in the Governance Treasury.
The first phase of the Governance will be a mix between a centralized solution and blockchain voting. There will be a centralized app, where users can sign with their wallet and cast a vote. The votes will be saved in the database of the application. This can be compared to Snapshot for Ethereum projects.
Solanium is planning to slowly convert itself to a fully decentralized application with on-chain voting. The reason behind releasing a semi-decentralized solution first is that it wants to capture community engagement as soon as possible. The application will be open to other Solana projects, that are able to create their own environment on there. The governance will be in charge of the Solanium Treasury. The vote weight of a user is based on the amount of xSLIM tokens the user has at the time of casting the vote.
SLIM Tokenomics
SLIMis the native token of Solanium platform, which can be used as the only acceptable fee to creating pools. In addition, users can receive xSLIM by staking SLIM. Holding xSLIM is the only way to enjoy fee distribution, pool access, and governance voting rights. SLIM can also be locked for a selectable lock time, which users are also rewarded by.
Token Info.
Ticker: SLIM
Total Supply: 100,000,000
Token Contract: xxxxa1sKNGwFtw2kFn8XauW9xq8hBZ5kVtcSesTT9fW
Initial circulating supply: 30,000,000 SLIM
Initial market cap: $6,000,000
Private sale price: $0.133 — $0.183
Public sale Price: $0.2
Token Distribution
1. 25%: for seed round, private and public sale.
Seed: 5%, total $500,000, at $0.10 per token
Unlock time: 20% at the time of listing, 20% every month thereafter
Private: 15%, $2 million at $0.13 per token
Unlock time: 20% at the time of listing and 20% every month thereafter
Public: 5%, totaling $1 million at $0.20 per token
Unlock time: fully unlocked
2. 20% for team operations; unlock time: 100% locked for 6 months, 10% unlocked every month thereafter
3、5% for advisors; Unlock time: 100% locked for 6 months, 10% per month thereafter
4、15% for liquidity; Unlocking time: fully unlocked
5、10% for marketing, staking and trading rewards. Unlock time: 60% fully unlocked, 10% per month thereafter
6、25% for company reserve. Unlocking time: 100% locked for one year
Circulating supply over time
Future Outlook
Based on a unique proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus, Solana’s underlying technology is highly scalable without bottlenecks, which powers the speed of Solana blockchain and cuts the tx cost. As an application platform developed on Solana blockchain, Solanium has a promising future.
For the project per sell, Solanium’s development direction is geared towards a user-friendly interface. As the first decentralized fundraising platform, Solanium is dedicated to making it possible for the general public to create pools and raise funds. In addition, Solanium promotes Solana ecology by helping Solana to gain wider user adoption, which also manifests the value of Solanium project itself.