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Crypto Calendar
  • btc SLORABCD Subme (sub) will be destroyed on May 11
  • btc SLORABCD Samoyedcoin (Samo) will destroy the token in May on May 31
  • btc SLORABCD Cure (xcur) will launch the metauniverse game test network on June 30 and complete phase integrated
  • btc SLORABCD Subme (sub) will be destroyed on May 1
  • btc SLORABCD Subme (sub) will be destroyed on May 11
  • btc SLORABCD Subme (sub) will be destroyed on May 11
  • btc SLORABCD Subme (sub) will be destroyed on May 11
  • btc SLORABCD Subme (sub) will be destroyed on May 11
  • btc SLORABCD Subme (sub) will be destroyed on May 11
Analyst claims that exchanges sell your Bitcoin, crypto trading platforms respond A crypto analyst claimed that staking Bitcoin through exchanges allows them to sell it… Tutorial Beginner
$UST’s collapse is the biggest threat to crypto. Is it the end of $UST and $LUNA? On May 9th, $UST hit a low of 0.6065 USDT, bounced back, and stayed at the level around… Economics Advanced
What changes will come to the NFT circle when BAYC issues tokens? Recently, the news of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) coin offering has been a heavy… NFT Advanced
Know DAO, understand DAO, participate in DAO Historically, the concept of an organization has revolved around a strict governance… DAO Beginner
An introduction to the infinite potential of the metaverse Recently, Facebook, which has been in the digital asset industry stash for a long time… Metaverse Beginner
Lightning round right-img
  • line What is AMA? Ask-me-anything generally refers to the event held by the project team or event organizer to answer user questions.
  • line What is APR? The annual percentage rate refers to the simple interest earned after one year, the amount of interest that does not take into account the effect of compound interest
  • line What is AMM? Automated market maker, a tool used to provide liquidity in decentralized finance to enable automated trading of digital assets.
  • line What is Liquidation? As the token price changes, if the user's borrowed assets rise or the mortgage assets fall, causing the user's debt value to exceed the security threshold of the mortgage assets, it will be liquidated. At this point, the DeFi protocol will allow others to buy your collateral.
  • line What is LPs? In the DeFi space, LPs refer to liquidity providers, users who provide funds and liquidity to liquidity pools.
  • line What is KYC? KYC means know your customer. KYC certification generally includes name, certificate number, and mobile phone number.